Monday, March 18, 2013

How to kill Caesar in 5 easy steps...

Step 1, is to get Caesar out of his house and take him to the Senate house. Step 2, get someone set up on the roof of the Senate house. Step 3, put Caesar in the killing zone and send a signal to the person on the roof. Step 4, watch person fall down with a knife and have dramatic cinematic scene with dramatic music playing in the background. Step 5, stab him 23 million times in the chest and watch him die.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Caged Bird

Melinda feels like a caged bird. She has nobody, and doesn't fit in. She wants to be like the free bird, have friends, do things but she is afraid of the other kids and what they will think. So she sits like the caged bird, waiting on nothing to change and sings her song, hoping to be heard.